J.O Not J.Low !
The verdict as far as Jermaine O'Neal's acquisition in place of T.J. Ford, Rasho and change is 50/50 at the moment. But if you watched TSN's The Reporters last Sunday , the latest move by Brian Colangelo was a questionable (???). What do these hockey
talking heads know anyway . Dave Hodge and Co. better stick to hockey and occasionally , the sport where the dudes use brooms . J.O. will be OK. He is even high about the coming season. ' I think playing alongside Bosh will give us a different dynamic ' said O'Neal . Like the dynamic duo of Batman and Robin ? The question is who is gonna be Batman and who is gonna be the Mop man ? Or it is Batman and Hasbeen ? The J.O./CB4 tandem is the closest that B.C. can pattern after the succesful K.G. and Pierce duo . Does that mean that Sam Mitchell can begin talking to reporters about championship like Doc Rivers did with the C's at the start of last season ? Yup ! The NBA championship won by the Celtics !
The TSN Reporters complained about the NBA's draft day trades and all and said these transactions are confusing as hell . They said there is something wrong to the fact that O.J. Mayo was drafted by Minnesota only to find out the next morning Mayo is now a member of the Grizzlies . What's wrong with that ? If you are an NBA fan , that's not topsy turvy way of doing things . It's exciting and real NBA fans can follow the movement of players. Take for example the new boxing champion of the world in the lighweight division . Manny ' Pacman ' Pacquiao , boxing's pound for pound b
est , followed Kevin Garnett to Boston from 'Sota . ' There is only one I want my picture taken with ' said Pacquiao at the dugout after disposing of David Diaz via TKO in the 9th round last Saturday night. It's none other than KG despite that the other members of the Big 3 , Allen and Pierce , together with Cassell , Rondo and Perkins followed the Big Ticket to celebrate the tremendous victory by the champ at his dugout. ' Before , my favorite team was the Timberwolves . When Garnett moved to Boston , I became a Celtics fan '. There . You puckheads see what I mean. In the NBA , there is no difficulty following what's happenning no matter how frenzy player movements are. Just follow the money like Manny !

The TSN Reporters complained about the NBA's draft day trades and all and said these transactions are confusing as hell . They said there is something wrong to the fact that O.J. Mayo was drafted by Minnesota only to find out the next morning Mayo is now a member of the Grizzlies . What's wrong with that ? If you are an NBA fan , that's not topsy turvy way of doing things . It's exciting and real NBA fans can follow the movement of players. Take for example the new boxing champion of the world in the lighweight division . Manny ' Pacman ' Pacquiao , boxing's pound for pound b

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