TO Stares Deathroit In The Eyes .
Kaput. Tonite the Raptors are facing a tough battle. It's very likely that they will be the Pistons next victims. Detroit is playing high quality basketball that even Boston suffered it's 1st home defeat at the hands of the Pistons. However , I do not discount the possibility of an upset. After all , Obama beat Hillary in Iowa despite the naysayers' initial predictions. ' You
have done what the cynics say you cannot do ' said Barack O. to the Iowans after his victory . The problem is Sam is not an inspiring black man like Obama. While Obama's speeches inspire his supporters to ' go out and vote en masse ' . Sam's seem to have no effect on his players ! That's why the Raps are sometimes hot and sometimes as cold as a cat's nose. Sam be like Obama .... not like OSama !
For the Raptors to win the game tonight , they must play flawless basketball. Bargs must make his 3 point shots , CB4 must deliver from both ends of the court and Jose must not be rattled by the Pistons' guards. For sure Billups will body Jose up like Mr. Big Shot did to the Celtics' Rajan Rondo. Watch out also for ex Raptor Lindsay Hunter harassing defense on Jose . Coach Flip Saunders always apply the fullcourt defense even for a br

I'll be rooting for your raptors...I'm still stunned that the mavs won a game..
football play offs this dang.. stats for this season are 148-97-11 against the spread...I kicked ass this year...I don't think I could pick a winner if I didn't have the spread..ha..
The Raptors need to beat the big guys in the East to make themselves a legit contenders.So far they are 0-2 versus the Celtics and the Pistons.
0-3, they lost to orlando too. yellow dog, start sharing your picks!
Detroit will not win against the Celts tonight.I can bet the house on that.
Go barack obama!!! well raptors!!! inconsistency again
The Raptors have no identity right now. Being 500 is the road is awesome...but then being 500 at home...!!!???
hey what up!
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