The NBA Vs. The WNBA , Politics Style

Basketball is at the center of U.S. politics. It became so when Barack Obama grabbed center stage as a candidate for Democratic presidential nomination . You probably has seen numerous pics and video clips of Barack then known as 'Barry' playing ball in his early years in Hawaii to the latest 3 0n 3 game he has with some U.S. soldiers stationed in Iraq. If you have not , go google it .

What a coup for David Stern. 1st the redemption in Beijing and now , the U.S. election . Whoever wins , basketball wll be the main beneficiary . I laughed when I heard a guest in PrimeTime Sports said ' the NHL should take advantage of the hockey mom tag associated with Sarah Palin '. What ? No chance . The game is basketball , my friend . The only question is , who will win in the match between Obama vs. Palin, Barry vs. Barrycuda , Hawaii 5-0 vs. Northern Exposure. Obama wants to play Sarah to a game of one on one basketball. That's a sure hit pay for view spectacle. If I'm Stern or Jerry Colangelo , I will sponsor this event . I'll promote this match as Obama versus Hot Mama !

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