What Bryan Colangelo Really Meant To Say !
It's really cool that B.C. chose his words carefully when he assessed the Raptors' performance at this stage of the season when the team's record stands at 6-6. Unlike then neophtype NBA GM Rob Babcock who made the mistake of declaring that the Raptors would be 'uncompetitive' in his 1st year as the top honcho of the Dinos. Babcock found out that you cannot do that if the owner(s) of the team is a corporation especia
lly Maple Leaf And Entertaintment (MLSE). A few days after making that truthful declaration , Babcock was forced to issue a statement to clarify the hot issue with a glowing assesment of the team no matter how untrue. You see , working for MLSE is like working for Pres. Bush . Ask his Bush's former Press Secretary Scott Mc Clellan who's advance excerpt from his book What Happened is simply bombastic . You can get away with lying if one is as pretty as the present White House Spokesperson Dana Perino shown on the right photo.
Back to B.C.'s statements made yesterday to Toronto Star's Dou Smith.I deciphered and translated each one by one using the Hillary Clinton's Book Of Double Speak.
BC's statement no.1 : We've been a little inconsistent and arguably underachieved record-wise.
Translation : The team sucks bigtime !
BC's statement no.2 : We anticipated that Garbo (Jorge Garbajosa) would be a major factor but does'nt turned out to be the case.
Translation : Let the guy freeze on the bench for defying my wishes !
BC's tatement no.3 : There've been all kinds of lopsided victories and losses out there. It' a telling sign that teams are still finding out themselves .
Translation : Enough of this show and tell. On with the real games !
And lastly , BC's statement no 4 about the coming 5 of 6 home games : Maybe we can get on a roll here.
Translation : If we lose all soon to come 5 home games , Sam's head will roll !

Back to B.C.'s statements made yesterday to Toronto Star's Dou Smith.I deciphered and translated each one by one using the Hillary Clinton's Book Of Double Speak.
BC's statement no.1 : We've been a little inconsistent and arguably underachieved record-wise.
Translation : The team sucks bigtime !
BC's statement no.2 : We anticipated that Garbo (Jorge Garbajosa) would be a major factor but does'nt turned out to be the case.
Translation : Let the guy freeze on the bench for defying my wishes !
BC's tatement no.3 : There've been all kinds of lopsided victories and losses out there. It' a telling sign that teams are still finding out themselves .
Translation : Enough of this show and tell. On with the real games !
And lastly , BC's statement no 4 about the coming 5 of 6 home games : Maybe we can get on a roll here.
Translation : If we lose all soon to come 5 home games , Sam's head will roll !
the first thing that struck me in BC's first press conference was that he used words like vision and team, and focus, and others to that affect. stark contrast to babcock.
i appreciated what he said because he can't come out and say the team sucks. but he is telling us that it is being looked at from the top down...gives me some hope. although i lost respect for his offseason inactivity.
i ilke your team's chances.my team is hopeless.will bc consider the knicks' gm post ?
Lost again today to the Cavaliers.It's lack of consistency on the part of the Raps that is killing them.
You're are a funny guy.
First off the notion the Raptor's are a young team is false. Without draft picks they are getting older. Most of the guys are new to the NBA but not the planet. So BC had no draft picks and took a year off. Moon and the guy fron the Pistons are keepers. The rest should view his comments and sour mood as very bad signs.
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