Pacers Becoming More White ; B.C.Turning White !
Larry Bird continues to recruit white leg horn players while cutting the bad and the ugly black ones i.e Tinsley and Daniels. His latest acquisition is Tyler Hansbrough, a ballplayer as white as snow. ' Hansbrough reminds me of myself ' said Larry Legend in the press conference introducing T.H.. Not really . You see , the Pacers' 1st round draft ch
oice in this year's draft is the son of a Doctor while Larry is the son ... delivered by a Doctor. Stupid ! Larry meant playalike ! Of course. Tyler plays hard every game . Like Larry , everybody says that Tyler can't jump, is too slow and probadly don't know how to rap .With Tyler's addition, there are now 6 white players ,who are not members of the KKK , in the Pacers' lineup. Cool . Indiana has the most number of white players in one NBA team. There is Dunleavy , Murphy , Foster , Diener , Rasho , Mc Roberts and now Tyler ! Tsk,tsk. If Michael Jackson , who was from Indiana , opted to thrill us by playing basketball instead of moonwalking , the Pacers will be truly white !
Here in Toronto , B.C. is busy with his Europeanization of the Raptors' line up . Fresh addition to the team is Turkey's Hedo Turkoglu . One report said that Hedo chose TO because of its large immigrant population from Turkey . Hmm . Not sure about that . I know that there are gazilion turkeys and chickenshits from everywhere living in TO and not only from Turkey ! Desperate move by Colangelo ? Certainly . If the Raps failed to enter the post season play ... or even be in contention by Thanksgiving , his goose err ...his turkey is cooked. And I don't mean his Thanksgiving dinner !

Here in Toronto , B.C. is busy with his Europeanization of the Raptors' line up . Fresh addition to the team is Turkey's Hedo Turkoglu . One report said that Hedo chose TO because of its large immigrant population from Turkey . Hmm . Not sure about that . I know that there are gazilion turkeys and chickenshits from everywhere living in TO and not only from Turkey ! Desperate move by Colangelo ? Certainly . If the Raps failed to enter the post season play ... or even be in contention by Thanksgiving , his goose err ...his turkey is cooked. And I don't mean his Thanksgiving dinner !
"there are now 6 white players ,who are not members of the KKK , in the Pacers' lineup" LMAOOO!!!!! Dude holy shit that cracked me up! And seeing that picture of jordan and jackson gave me goosebumps - I want that as a poster one day and hang it on my wall.
I don't know that I would call it a desperate move by Colangelo...
hansthorough is a god
To whom it may concern,
From this day forth, I humbly request that you use the term "Europhication" rather than "Europeanization", when referring to Colangelo's efforts to turn the Toronto CRaptors into our own little EU.
Although at first glance, the term "Europhication" may appear to be a typo version of "Eutrophication", rest assured that Colangelo's vision for the team does not resemble an increase in chemical nutrients, but rather another year of not making the playoffs.
Thanks in advance,
P.S: I hate the Raptors tooooo!
Yeah what a desperate move by Colangelo, adding the MVP of a team that made it to the finals. Honestly did you even graduate high school?
anon - yes i did not finish h.s.'coz i skip it and went straight for my doctorate together with dr, j , dr dunkeinstein and dr. scholl !
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